I have had several requests on pictures of both my belly, and Hali's nursery. There is nothing I love more than to get my picture taken at nine months pregnant, but I'm doing it just for those of you who have been asking - you're very welcome! While you're looking at my belly, don't forget to check out my cankles! Lovely I know!
Since my due date is coming very quickly (the 14th) my mom and dad came down this weekend to help me get Hali's room all finished and ready. While Travis and my dad went golfing, my mom and I put the finishing touches on the room. I am very excited with the way it all turned out - thanks mom! At this point I still feel like I am playing house getting a nursery together, but I'm sure reality will hit me very soon. In fact we went to the doctor today and due to my high blood pressure I will be induced on Thursday, if I don't go into labor before then. Travis and I are very excited to finally get her here! Keep checking our blog because my next post will be our baby girl!!